The master and the tiger
A teacher and his student were walking from one village to another, when they suddenly heard a roar behind them. Turning their gaze in the direction of the roar, they saw a big tiger following them.
The first thing the student wanted to do was to run away, but since he has been studying and practicing self-discipline, he was able to halt himself from running, and wait to see what his teacher would do.
“What shall we do Master?” Asked the student.
The teacher looked at the student and answered in a calm voice: “There are several options. We can fill our minds with paralyzing fear so that we cannot move, and let the tiger do with us whatever pleases it. We can faint. We can run away, but then it will run after us. We can fight with it, but physically it is stronger than us.”
“We can pray to god to save us. We can choose to influence the tiger with the power of our mind, if our concentration is strong enough. We can send it love. We can also concentrate and meditate on our inner power, and on the fact that we are one with the entire universe, including the tiger, and in this way influence its soul.”
“Which option do you choose?”
“You are the Master. You tell me what to do. We don’t have much time.” The student responded.
The master turned his gaze fearlessly towards the tiger, emptied his mind from all thoughts, and entered a deep state of meditation. In his consciousness, he embraced everything in the universe, including the tiger. In this state the consciousness of the teacher became one with consciousness of the tiger.
Meanwhile the student started to shiver with fear, as the tiger was already quite close, ready to make a leap at them. He was amazed at how his teacher could stay so calm and detached in the face of danger.
Meanwhile the teacher continued to meditate without fear. After a little while, the tiger gradually lowered its head and tail and went away.
The student asked his teacher in astonishment, “What did you do?”
“Nothing. I just cleared all thoughts from my mind and united myself in spirit with the tiger. We became united in peace on the spiritual level. The tiger sensed the inner calmness, peace, and unity and felt no threat or need to express violence, and so walked away.” “When the mind is silent and calm, its peace is automatically transmitted to everything and everyone around, influencing them deeply”, concluded the teacher.
One must have a calm mind and concentrated thoughts, then things will just get sorted out and we can achieve success.
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- The master and the tiger
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- You are special – Don’t ever forget it!
- उसको तो फ़र्क पड़ता है – Hindi Short Story !